Graston Technique® Therapy

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Medical & Sports Massage brings an innovative practice of targeting soft tissues using special instruments through the Graston Technique®.

The ancient methods of Gua Sha in traditional Chinese medicine paved the way for what is now known as the Graston Technique® in modern times. Medical studies have suggested positive outcomes from using instruments, particularly in treating conditions such as chronic low back pain and scar tissue-related issues.

What is the Graston Technique®?

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The Graston Technique® is a specialized form of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization that uses stainless steel instruments to detect dysfunction and treat soft tissue issues in the body. It's not your typical hands-on massage; instead, therapists use uniquely designed instruments to target specific areas of concern.

How does the Graston Technique® work?

Benefits of Graston Technique® Therapy

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Undergoing the Graston Technique® is associated with several potential benefits, making it a sought-after option for individuals dealing with specific musculoskeletal issues.

Here are some of the well-known benefits that the Graston Technique® can provide for those seeking the treatment:

  • Quicker recovery times for athletes and individuals recovering from injuries.

  • Improving flexibility and range of motion by addressing restrictions in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

  • Reduces tension, pain, and discomfort in targeted specific areas.

  • Regular sessions can help manage chronic conditions such as tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.

  • The instruments allow for a targeted and precise application, addressing specific areas of concern.

  • Prevents certain injuries from reappearing, especially for individuals prone to repetitive strain injuries.

Common Problem Areas

  • Neck and muscles to target muscle knots, adhesions, and restrictions in the area.

  • Upper and mid-back region to break down scar tissue and improve tissue mobility.

  • Lower back pain, sciatica, or hip tightness to promote better movement in the lumbar and hip regions.

  • Tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, breaking down adhesions and improving the function of the affected muscles and tendons.

  • Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or other foot and ankle issues to improve flexibility and promote healing.

  • Tight hamstrings or quadriceps to target muscle imbalances and reduce tightness.

  • Various forms of tendonitis and tendinopathy to address issues within the tendons.

What will my Graston Technique® Sessions look like?

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  1. A thorough assessment by a trained therapist, evaluating your medical history, and discussing any specific concerns or areas of discomfort.
  2. Your massage therapist will work with you to determine the appropriate length for your massage.
  3. The therapist then selects the appropriate Graston Technique® instruments based on the size and location of the treatment area. Before the massage, a lubricant, such as massage oil or lotion, will be applied to the skin.
  4. Your certified therapist will gently scan and palpate the skin with the Graston® instruments.
  5. As the therapist detects problematic areas, they mark them for focused treatment, applying controlled pressure with the Graston® instruments to the identified treatment areas. The instruments are moved cross-fiber or diagonally over the muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

With the several benefits of the Graston Technique®, remember that only trained and certified healthcare professionals are allowed to perform this massage therapy technique. The instruments are not intended for indiscriminate use, and a thorough understanding of anatomy and soft tissue mechanics is crucial for its effective and safe application.

Always consult a qualified therapist or healthcare provider before undergoing a Graston Technique® session.

Medical & Sports Massage has expert therapists ready to answer your questions about this technique and provide an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your specific health needs.

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